ENGAGE White Paper on Joined-up, Coherent, Sustainable, and Effective EU External Action
Brussels, Belgium
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
The Brussels Stakeholder Workshop, organised by the Carnegie Europe Foundation, took place on April 17, 2023. The objective of the meeting was to discuss a series of recommendations—based on the research carried out by the ENGAGE consortium—for a more joined-up, coherent, and sustainable EU external action. The meeting was attended by officials and experts from the cabinet of High Representative/Vice President (HR/VP) Josep Borrell, the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the European External Action Service, including the current EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia. Think tank experts also took part in the workshop.
To initiate discussions, Monika Sus and Cornelius Adebahr presented seven actionable recommendations featured in the ENGAGE White Paper. The main topics of discussion were: (1) enhancing the role of the HR/VP; (2) the EU's competences in security and defence; (3) the future of the European Neighbourhood Policy and EU enlargement; (4) advancing gender and climate policy mainstreaming; (5) possibilities for the introduction of qualified majority voting in CFSP matters; (6) the potential of EU Special Representatives (EUSRs); and (7) how to improve the EU's approach to strategic partnerships.
The Brussels Workshop allowed ENGAGE researchers to collect valuable feedback that will serve to fine-tune and upgrade the final ENGAGE White Paper, which the consortium will present at the project's June 2024 Final Conference.