
Case Studies of Traditionally Internal Policy Areas with Outward Effects: Competition, Climate Change and Health
The EU’s external action also includes internal policies with external dimensions. Harnessing these non-traditional foreign policy tools can help the EU become a stronger global actor. In order to identify how the EU can meet its strategic challenges more holistically, effectively and sustainably, this paper studies the cases of competition, climate change as well as health and examines their linkages to other, more traditional external action policies.

Case Studies of the EU’s CFSP Activity
Regional and geopolitical challenges, especially Russia's war against Ukraine, have once again drawn attention to the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) as well as the effectiveness of its instruments. To derive policy implications, this working paper assesses the effectiveness, coherence and sustainability of CFSP actions through geographical and thematic case studies, and an analysis of the relevant decision-making procedures.

Case Studies of the EU’s CSDP Activity
Civilian and military missions and operations represent one of the main activities of the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Through selected case studies, this paper evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and sustainability of the EU's CSDP activities, revealing differences among the deployments, while identifying common obstacles. By analysing these lessons learnt, recommendations for improving the effectiveness and sustainability of EU external action are presented.